ureia nacionalizada

The advantages of nationalised urea

Liderando na lista de fertilizantes nitrogenados mais utilizados na agricultura, a ureia é um grande pilar do agronegócio brasileiro. Todavia, a produção de ureia nacionalizada no Brasil ainda é uma área pouco desenvolvida se comparada aos grandes mercados internacionais.

Issues to consider

Tal cenário abre portas para um dilema: a ureia nacionalizada é inferior se comparada à internacional, porém a importação do produto é deveras complicada, burocrática, cara e demorada (sem falar nos processos alfandegários).

It was thinking about it that corporations A.R Inteligência de Mercado and UPTIME Trading established a solid strategic alliance to serve its customers in the acquisition of agricultural urea 46%, with the support of Zport in the degestive and port processes.

Nationalization of urea

The A.R Inteligência de Mercado imports agricultural urea from the Middle East or Eastern Europe with the best quality and provenance, carries out the entire tax and customs process, nationalizes the product with Brazilian documentation and is responsible for supplying safely and faithfully. All urea is inspected, tested and certified by SGS, a Swiss verification company. Divided into 1 ton Big Bags, urea is sealed to international specifications.

The benefits

Those who acquire international urea from the best producers and with Brazilian documentation and nationalisation have the advantage of creating durable relationships with a Premium brand. The 6 to 12 month contracts are based on commitment and assertiveness, which certify a loyal supply even at times when production is low

By focusing on ensuring food security and mitigating food shortages, the A.R Inteligência de Mercado believe, like you, that agriculture cannot stop. Therefore, in addition to security and loyalty at the time of the contract, the corporation also works with faithful supply, ensuring an innovative distribution and aiming to generate profitable results to customers.

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