Grain marketing to the Markets of the Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Countries. Smart and sustainable solutions for the export of Brazilian agricultural commodities with safety and loyalty.
Our corporation works with vigor and passion in intelligent projects of internationalization of companies. We create strategic ways for the exportation of Brazilian agricultural commodities to the international market in a safe, profitable way, based on the needs presented by our clients. Everything is thought out so that the planned goals are achieved.
With the wide experience of a multidisciplinary team of specialists in the export of agricultural commodities and other competences that involve business success, we assist companies of the Brazilian agribusiness with the development of all the strategic, tactical, operational and tax planning necessary to achieve results of excellence in the export of grains to the foreign market.
Its production is safely destined for governments and companies in the countries of the League of Arab States.
We offer smart and innovative solutions for grain exports such as:
between others.
We lead your corporation on the right way to purchase high reliability halal certified products through 06 to 12 months future contracts, ensuring food safety and competitive prices.
We connect national producers with excellence and without middlemen to the governments of the League of Arab States and international companies.
Prestamos todo o suporte de exportação ao agronegócio brasileiro, mitigando os riscos operacionais e econômicos, assegurando assim, relações duradouras e diretas entre o produtor e o comprador com lealdade.
A soja é atualmente o representante mais importante do agronegócio. Em parte, tal fato se deve à relevância da mesma no mercado mundial. Na agropecuária, seu destino final pode ser a alimentação humana ou intermediariamente, a adubação e nutrição animal, já que compõe boa parte das rações.
Ademais, seu uso passa pela indústria de plásticos, tintas, fármacos e biodiesel. A soja foi responsável pela diminuição da fome endêmica em épocas de escassez de alimentos e pelo alto teor nutricional.
Por conseguinte, nossa empresa é especializada em abastecer com confiabilidade os mercados da Liga dos Estados Árabes com selo Halal no quesito soja e outros commodities agrícolas, bem como proteína animal e açúcar.
Soybean – GMO – Human Consumption
Soybean Meal
Corn shares with soybeans the ranking of agricultural relevance. Similarly, its destination is mostly part of human food and animal production.
Yellow Corn – Grade – GMO
Coffee emerges as one of the most consumed beverages in the world, in addition to its cultural importance. Brazil is highlighted for being the largest global producer and exporter of coffee, giving notoriety to the species Coffea Arábica, with intense and refined aroma.
Rice remains one of the main sources of carbohydrate, providing world food, especially in the Asian continent.
O grão-de-bico é um alimento rico em proteínas e em versatilidade culinária. Marca presença na gastronomia asiática, pois é um substituto eficiente da carne e é evitada em algumas doutrinas. É um ingrediente essencial da receita de Homus, um patê muito consumido no Oriente Médio.
It is an agricultural commoditie requested in the League of Arab States and we have full capacity to meet in this market without middlemen, connecting and enabling directly and safely the parties of the negotiation.
To export agricultural commodities, talk to one of our experts Click here.
Av. Cel. Marcos Konder, 1207 – Sala 05 – Edif. Embraed – CEP 88301-303 – Itajaí – SC
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3729 – 5º Andar – Itaim Bibi – CEP 04538-905 – São Paulo – SP
Telephone: +55 (11) 2657-7272
Av. Cel. Marcos Konder, 1207 – Sala 05 – Edif. Embraed
Telephones: +55 (47) 3011-9595 and +55 (47) 99286-2820
88301-303 – Itajaí – SC
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3729 – 5º Andar – Itaim Bibi
Telephone: +55 (11) 2657-7272
04538-905 – São Paulo – SP