Its well known that the Brazilian agribusiness is in constant development and is getting more presence in the country´s economy, competing with other resources like oil, and is becoming a huge active to invest. But before we get into the present statistic we have to know how was the evolution of the brazilian agribusiness during the last decades to apreciate the importance of that sector.
The evolution of the Brazilian agribusiness is ralated to two important factors; the evolution of the brazilian popualtion and the evolution of the country´s technology, is obvius that the more the population is growing the more the demand of food encrease and in consecuence the tech also get more presence.
In this decade the country was without technology in the agricultural sector and, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the population was 70,992,343, representing only a quarter of the current population. Similarly, thanks to the lack of food industry, Brazil imported much of its food.
In this decade things started to change, the country start investing in cience and technology and the whole story started to change, the EMBRAPA (Brasilian company of agriculture and resarche) was created to enable research, development and innovation solutions for the sustainability of agriculture, for the benefit of Brazilian society. Well trained cientists of every part of the world was distributed around the country and in consecuence a technological revolution was brought to the country and new agricultural tecnics was developed.
FROM 1980 TO 2000 DECADE
Here we find a different scenario, the country is becoming one of the world leaders in the export of agricultural commodities, science and technology have started working together with agriculture, larger arable airlines were established and most importantly, the country has become self-sufficient in food supply and began to export to several countries that would not have food if Brazil did not provide.
In the present day we are refering to Brazil as a giant in terms of agriculture, that is because Brazil is the biggest coffee exporter in the world, also the biggest exporter of sugar, orange juice, ethanol, beef, chicken and soybean.